Register with us
Third Party organisations wishing to lay gas infrastructure and transfer ownership to Cadent, or lay infrastructure on behalf of Independent Gas Transporters to connect to Cadent's network, must register with us as a UIP.

Here you will find out more about the steps you need to take to register to make connections to our network and the various processes we need to follow with you. Don't worry, we’ll stay in touch along the way to make sure it's going smoothly and you’re happy with everything.
To lay gas infrastructure and transfer ownership to Cadent, or lay infrastructure on behalf of an IGT, you must register with us first.
Submit your request online via the IGT and UIP web portal, or manually via email. An administration charge applies to Fast Tracks and Quotations.
We will process your request in line with our policies and procedures. Based on your request, we will provide the details you need to progress your work.
Once you have received design approval, you can plan in your works.
Once you have received clearance, you can complete your works. We may visit site to audit the works and ensure they are carried out safely and responsibly.
Send us your completion file no later than 14 days after completing the works.
Once we have validated your completion file, we will issue an asset adoption letter to confirm the project is complete.
IGT / UIP submissions: Adam Smith 0797 385 9295 / Nic Evans 0781 372 0660 / Pete O’Neill 0778 590 6608
Analysis: Monir Uddin 0787 050 4664 / Andrew Gilfeather 0797 181 4627
Completions: Hannah Dakin-Stevens 0781 239 1187 / Lee Tedds 0797 041 9669