We’re now down to Wyre Close, Frogmill Lane, Birch Avenue and the industrial users in Tay Road, plus a small number of properties elsewhere, that we need to reconnect.

    We’re back on site this morning, focussed on doing just that.

    Our thanks to everyone in the local area for your patience and understanding since Tuesday night, as we removed a very large volume of water from our gas mains. We estimate that around 100,000 litres of water from that burst water main got into the local gas pipes.

    We’ve had to find and remove every drop in an underground gas pipe network that – if the pipes were placed end-to-end – would cover a distance upwards of 3.5 kilometres.

    Our major incident unit has now left site, but we will retain a major presence on site for much of the next week, as we remove the remaining water, reconnect properties and then reinstate the road surfaces and other excavations we’ve had to dig to get to the gas pipes.

    If you are still without gas, our teams will keep you updated directly. This will be our final update here.

    If you have any questions, or need any assistance, please speak to any of the Cadent team on site.

    Just so you know, if you are not in when we call to reconnect you, we will visit again. If, after several visits, we can’t gain access, we will leave a card which explains how to contact us.

    Very important: please don’t try to turn your own supply back on. For safety reasons, this needs to be done by one of our qualified gas engineers. They’ll also do a thorough check of your appliances, to make sure everything is working as it should.

    We have made good progress today to ensure all water has been removed from the local gas mains network.

    By the end of today, we hope to have gas back on in all streets except Wyre Close, Frogmill Lane, Birch Avenue and the industrial users in Tay Road.

    There are a small number of properties without supply in other roads and we are speaking to those customers to explain why and the next steps.

    Please DO NOT attempt to reconnect your own supply. It is not safe for anyone other than a qualified gas engineer to do this.

    Our engineers will also check your appliances are working safely and will be on-site into the evening to continue doing this.

    We will knock on your door when we’re ready to reconnect you, and make repeat visits if you’re not in, so don’t worry.

    [Note: We will stop once it gets too late, as we recognise you may be worried to answer the door after dark]

    Always ask for and check ID: our engineers will not be offended and encourage you to do so, for your own reassurance and peace of mind.

    We’d like to thank you again for your continued patience while we’ve worked to get all this water out of the gas mains.

    Our teams will be back tomorrow, where the focus will be on reconnecting supplies to properties where there’s no answer this evening, as well as resolving the issues in Wyre Close, Frogmill Lane, Birch Avenue, Tay Road and those small number of properties elsewhere.

    Our teams have now managed to restore gas to around two-thirds of homes that lost supply this week, after water from a burst water main got into the gas pipes.

    While this is clearly great news for many, we know it’s frustrating for those of you still without gas.

    Please be assured that our teams are working hard to restore your supply and will keep going despite the horrendous weather forecast for today.

    The latest situation is that most properties in Sectors 2 and 3 (see the ‘affected areas’ tab on this page) now have their gas supply restored.

    Balaams Wood Drive is still off gas in Sector 3. We will be back in Sector 3 in the next few hours.

    There are a handful of other homes still experiencing issues in Sectors 2 and 3. We’re doing our best to keep these residents updated.

    You will see us particularly active in Sector 1 at the moment. We are excavating at new sites today to find the last pockets of water we know are in the gas pipes.

    This is the big challenge: finding the last elusive slugs of water in a gas network that stretches for many kilometres underground. We have to get it all out to restore all supplies.

    Thank you so much for bearing with us. Our customer team are back in our unit parked outside The Dingle Social Club, New Street, Rubery, if you need any help or have questions.

    Just as reminders:

    Please DO NOT try to restore your own supply. That’s not safe. Our engineers must do it. They will also check all your appliances, to make sure they are working safely too.

    We don’t make appointments for this. Our engineers will knock on your door when we’re ready to restore your supply – and make repeated visits if you are not in, so don’t worry.

    Always ask for and check ID: our engineers will not be offended and encourage you to do so, for your own reassurance and peace of mind.

    We have now restored supply to around half of the properties that lost it after water from a burst main got into the gas pipes late on Tuesday night.

    So far, we’ve removed more than 50,000 litres of water from the local gas network – that’s the equivalent of more than 600 full bath tubs.

    Our challenge is that it collects in slugs, dotted around the underground network, so finding it is very difficult.

    We must get it ALL out, before we can restore everyone’s supply.

    Almost all properties in Sector 2 (see ‘affected areas’ tab on this page) and many in Sector 1 have now had their supply restored. We’re still trying to get water out in Sector 3.

    We’re sorry, but realistically for many of you this means an extra night without gas.

    Our team will work late into this evening, and we have teams ready to start early tomorrow, to continue this operation as fast as we safely can.

    A couple of reminders for you:

    Please DO NOT try to restore your own supply. That’s not safe. Our engineers must do it. They will also check all your appliances, to make sure they are working safely too.

    You don’t need to make an appointment. Our engineers will knock on your door when we’re ready to restore your supply – and make repeated visits if you are not in, so don’t worry.

    Always ask for and check ID: our engineers will not be offended and encourage you to do so, for your own reassurance and peace of mind.

    Thanks again for your continued patience and support to our teams.

    Our customer colleagues remain on site in our unit parked at The Dingle Social Club, New Street, Rubery. If you have any questions, or need assistance, visit them there.

    We made great progress last night and restored supply to most customers in Sector 2 (see ‘affected areas’ tabs) and some in Sector 1.

    Our teams are back out this morning restoring supplies to customers in Sectors 1 and 2, with a hope that we can move into Sector 3 this afternoon (hopefully sooner).

    Water-related incidents like these are a big challenge, as we need to find every source of water in the gas mains and get it out. So, please bear with us.

    If you are not yet back on gas, we will get to you.

    Please DO NOT try to restore your own supply. That’s not safe. Our engineers must do it. They will also check all your appliances, to make sure they are working safely too.

    We don’t make appointments for this. Our engineers will knock on your door when we’re ready to restore your supply – and make repeated visits if you are not in, so don’t worry.

    Always ask for and check ID: our engineers will not be offended and encourage you to do so, for your own reassurance and peace of mind.

    Thanks again for your continued patience and support to our teams.

    Our customer colleagues remain on site in our unit parked at The Dingle Social Club, New Street, Rubery. If you have any questions, or need assistance, visit them there.

    We are pleased to let you know that we are starting to get properties back on gas in Rubery and Rednal. But, we are still pumping water out of our gas pipes too.

    Before we can switch your gas back on, we need to check all the gas pipes and gas appliances in your homes. This does take time, so please bear with us.

    Our engineers have started to reconnect properties in Sector 2 (Please see ‘Affected Area’ tab) and some in Sector 1 too. We’ll keep visiting homes until around 10pm this evening but we’ll be back tomorrow morning from 8am.

    We are not expecting to start in Sector 3 until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest.

    As we are still pumping water out of each sector, we do not know when everyone will be back on gas. We do hope to get most properties back on gas tomorrow, if all the water is out of the gas network. With our extra engineers from around the Midlands, we are working to get you back on gas, as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

    Please, DO NOT try to switch your own supply back on. It’s not safe to; it needs to be done by our engineers. They will also make sure your appliances are working as they should.

    No need to call to let us know you are at home. Our engineers will return to you until your gas has been restored.

    Our customer teams are in our unit outside The Dingle Social Club, New Street, Rubery. If you have questions, or need assistance, visit them there.

    Our teams are continuing to remove water from the local gas network in the Rubery and Rednal areas.

    So far, we’ve extracted more than 15,000 litres, which is the equivalent of around 200 full bath tubs.

    It entered our gas mains from a burst water main and made its way across a wide area before being contained.

    The good news is that the volume coming out is now decreasing, but we must get all of it out. Even a small amount can cause issues with your gas supply.

    We appreciate it’s not great for you to be without gas. We are working as quickly as we can to get your supply restored. You are being incredibly patient and kind to our team – thank you.

    Our team will seek to re-establish your supply in a specific order, of zones/streets – i.e. once we’re satisfied all the water is out of the gas pipes in each zone, we’ll start putting gas back on.

    We’ll keep you updated once that order and details of the zones is confirmed.

    Please, DO NOT try to switch your own supply back on. It’s not safe to; it needs to be done by our engineers. They will also make sure your appliances are working as they should.

    We will work late into this evening and return again tomorrow to complete all the work to get your supply reconnected.

    Our customer teams are in our unit outside The Dingle Social Club, New Street, Rubery. If you have questions, or need assistance, visit them there. Or ring us on 0800 389 8000.

    You may also find some of the answers to your questions in our FAQs tab on this page.

    We are continuing to remove thousands of litres of water from our gas pipes in the Rubery area of Birmingham.

    The amount of water we have pumped out of our gas pipes, is far more than we had expected, so we will continue to this work until 11pm this evening, then start again at 7:30am tomorrow morning.

    Please do not try to turn your gas supply on yourself.

    Our engineers will be visiting every property tomorrow, to check the pipes leading to each home and business. Once all of the gas pipes are clear of water, we can start to restore gas to the network and visit each property for the final time, to safely switch the gas supply back on and check all of your gas appliances.

    This will take some time, so please bear with us.

    We want to get your gas back on as soon as possible and have drafted in extra engineers from around the West Midlands to help. If you have any queries or concerns for a neighbour, please give us a call on 0800 389 8000.

    There’s an issue with water in our gas mains, affecting – we believe – around 200 to 300 properties.

    This was reported to us late last night and our teams have already repaired the damage caused to that gas main.

    However, we now have a large volume of water in the gas network, so we’re in the process of getting that out.

    We’re also working with Severn Trent Water, as they need to restore water supply to a small number of properties.

    We need to remove ALL the water from the gas pipes, as even a small amount could stop gas getting through to customers.

    It’s not an easy job, or a quick one. It’s likely our work will continue into this evening.

    This first requires us (our gas engineers) to turn off gas supply at each affected property. Please don’t try to do this yourself.

    We then pump out the water, and then start to re-establish gas supply.

    We have all the resources we need on site now to do this and ask people to bear with us as we work our way around the area.

    We have customer liaison officers on site too, who can assist anyone who may need extra support at this time.

    If anyone is having issues with their gas supply and hasn’t yet reported that to us, please ring 0800 111 999.

    Unfortunately not, we will usually visit an area at a time and we will publicise which areas we are in, but don’t worry. We will always visit three times to try to switch your gas supply on. If you are still not in on the third visit, we will leave details for you to contact us and we will send an engineer out.

    *Will I get compensation for being without gas?

    Yes. Cadent has a statutory obligation to pay compensation to anyone who is without gas for more than 24hrs after the first complete 24hr period.

    Everyone who lost gas will receive a letter regarding compensation for loss of gas. Householders are entitled to £65 for every 24 hours they were off gas while businesses will receive £105 per 24 hours off gas. This will be paid directly to them via their gas suppliers.

    *Do I need to claim for compensation?

    No. Compensation for the loss of your gas supply will be paid automatically to your gas supplier whose name will be at the top of your gas bill.

    *When will I get my compensation?

    Cadent must pay the compensation payments to the gas suppliers within 10 working days after the closure of the incident.

    *How will my gas supplier pass on this compensation payment?

    This will depend upon your gas supplier. Some may take it off your gas bill; others may send you a cheque. You will need to contact them for this information.

    *How much will I receive?

    This will depend upon how long you were without gas. Your entitlement is above.

    With the current loss of gas supply across the area Cadent engineers may require access to your property if you are a gas user to facilitate the restoration of your gas supply.

    • Before you let anyone into your home you need to know they are who they say they are, so you should always ask to see their identification card.
    • When one of our engineers arrives at your door they will always show you their Cadent identification card.
    • To confirm they are who they claim to be you can call us on 0800 389 8000 to confirm their identity.
    • Our engineers will not be offended if you close the door and make the call to us, they will wait on the doorstep until you are happy to let them in.

    We will be visiting all residents in vulnerable situations to switch their gas off. We are also providing assistance to those in the most vulnerable situations.

    These include people who are elderly, chronically sick or recovering from a hospital stay, have a terminal illness, have a disability or you have children aged 0 -5 or you are registered on the Priority Services Register .

    If you know of someone in a vulnerable situation and you are concerned please contact 0800 389 8000.

    The Priority Services Register (PSR) is a free service offered throughout the energy industry available to domestic customers across England, Wales and Scotland.

    It helps energy companies like Cadent look after customers who have extra communication, access or safety needs. It’s free and easy to join and gives extra support to those who need it.

    You can register yourself, or someone you think would benefit from being on the PSR.

    Find out more here https://cadentgas.com/help-and-advice/priority-services-register

    What are the key facts on carbon monoxide poisoning?

    • Carbon monoxide poisoning is preventable
    • It can be FATAL
    • And it often goes undetected

    Three tips which could save your life: 

    1. Know the symptoms and signs
    2. Ensure gas appliances are installed, maintained and fixed by a Gas Safe registered engineers only. Have your gas appliances checked annually by a Gas Safe registered engineer.
    3. As a backup, buy and install an audible carbon monoxide detector – it could save your life

    Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas that is produced when fossil fuels - coal, wood, oil and gas, are burnt without adequate air ventilation.

    Carbon monoxide is:

    • Colourless
    • Odourless
    • Tasteless

    The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include:

    • Headaches
    • Nausea
    • Tiredness
    • Chest and/or stomach pains

    If you experience any of the above symptoms you should seek medical advice straight away.

    Check list to ensure you don’t suffer from carbon monoxide poisoning. Ensure:

    • Appliances have been installed correctly
    • Appliances are in proper working order – boiler or fire flames should be blue not orange or flickering
    • Appliances are checked for safety on an annual basis (For those in rented accommodation this is your landlord’s responsibility)
    • You have a copy of the gas safety certificate for all appliances in your accommodation
    • There is enough fresh air in a room
    • Chimney or flue is not blocked
    • Make sure a Gas Safe registered engineer install or maintains your gas appliances.

    If appliances have not been serviced recently or have been deemed at risk, please call 0800 408 5500 to find a Gas Safe registered engineer in your area.

    If you are tenant in accommodation; tell your Landlord, who is responsible for ensuring appliances are safe to use and instructing a Gas Safe registered engineer to repair or maintain the gas appliances.

    Further information on carbon monoxide can be found at the following:




    Incident alert



    Smell Gas?

    0800 111 999*

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