Sloane Square, London

    We are carrying out an essential project to reinforce the gas network in the area from Monday 16 October for 17 days, including weekends, until 31 October 2023.

    What are we doing?

    The project in Sloane Square will be completed in phases. This first section, we will be working seven days a week to complete the project as safely and quickly as possible.

    To enable us to work safely during the project we will put a number of traffic management measures in place: 

    • You will not be able to turn into Sloane Square from Sloane Street, a lane closure will be in place
    • Lane closure on the north side of Sloane Square 
    • With temporary traffic lights around our works
    • Road crossings will be temporarily moved
    • Suspension of the taxi ranks on the Lower Sloane Street side of Sloane Square
    Working hours:

    Monday to Friday - 8am to 7:30pm
    Saturday - 8am to 5pm
    Sunday - 8am to 4pm (N.B. noisy work will be restricted to between 10am to 1pm on Sundays.)

    Gas supplies will not be affected by these works.

    All entrances and exits to buildings will be maintained throughout the works.

    We need to complete further phase of works in Sloane Square in early 2024 and the remainder to be confirmed later in the year. We will keep you informed of the further planned work in this area.


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