New Mills, Derbyshire

    Mains replacement work

    We are upgrading the local gas network in the SK22 area, replacing ageing metallic pipes to new plastic ones. These will last for a long, long time, and will see us retire older pipes that have come to the natural end of their operating life. This work is part of a big investment programme, across the UK, to build infrastructure that will keep everyone warm in their homes, but with less impact on the environment. Details of the programme in North West England can be found at

    What are we doing?

    This scheme involves us upgrading around 1,800 metres of pipes in the SK22 area.

    We plan to do the work in phases, starting on 22nd January 2024, and we are aiming to finish the gas pipe upgrade work by the end of May. Our plan is to insert the new pipe into the old pipe, which means less disruption and fewer excavations. It also means gas stays on, with just a short interruption for each property on the day we connect your home into the new pipes. Our on-site teams will explain how all this works and will talk you through every step.

    We promise to keep you updated – our teams on-site will make regular contact with you, and we will post updates here when we move to new phases.

    These are estimates, intended for guidance only and subject to change.

    Team One

    Section 1
    64 to 80 Ollersett Avenue, starting 22nd January 2024 - COMPLETE

    Section 2
    1 to 22 St Andrews Walk, starting 31st January 2024 - COMPLETE

    Section 3
    1 to 4 The Rydings, start date tbc (expected to be one of the final phases of work)

    Team Two

    Section 4
    1 to 31 Hawk Road, starting 14th February 2024 - ONGOING

    Section 5
    1 to 23 Pingot Road, starting 23rd February 2024

    Sections 6
    134 to 196 Low Leighton Road, starting 6th March 2024

    Sections 7
    55 to 149 High Hill Road, starting 20th March 2024

    Section 8
    1 – 13 Watburn Road, starting 3rd April 2024

    We have completed two phases of work. We have updated the 'key dates' tab today, to reflect the latest estimated start dates. As ever, if you want to ask us a question about this project, please see our 'Contact Us' tab.

    We’ve now started this major project – with our teams beginning on Phase 1.

    Please take a look at the different tabs on this page. The videos tab has a guide to how we carry out the work and the key dates and maps tabs will help you understand where we plan to be and when. If you need to get in touch, you will find our details in the contact us tab.


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