Movers Lane, Barking

    What are we doing?

    We are upgrading the gas pipes along Movers Lane and St John’s Road to ensure you continue to receive a reliable gas supply for many more years to come. Our aim is to replace all the metallic mains and service pipes in these locations. This means that we will need to excavate holes in the ground to access the gas pipes in order to inspect and replace them.

    Due to the nature of the work involved, we have planned to deliver it in a number of phases to maximise efficiency and minimise disruption.

    Project Details

    Start date: 1 April 2024
    Duration: 12 weeks

    Project timeline

    Phase 1 - One week
    Replace approximately 50m of the existing gas pipe. This phase will be completed under a road closure at the junction with Ripple Road to Morley Road.

    Phase 2 - One week
    Replace approximately 250m of the existing gas pipe. This phase will be completed under a lane closure with four-way temporary traffic lights. Morley Road to Gordon Road/Perth Road.

    Phase 3 - Two weeks
    Replace approximately 176m of the existing gas pipe. Howard Road to Perth Road.

    Phase 4 - Two weeks
    Replace approximately 225m of the existing gas pipe. Morley Road to Gordon Road.

    Phase 5 - Two weeks
    Replace approximately 148m of the existing gas pipe. Gordon Road to St John's Road.

    Phase 6 - Two weeks
    Replace approximately 148m of the existing gas pipe. From Kennedy Road.

    Phase 7 - Four weeks
    Replace approximately 174m of the existing gas pipe. - St John's Road only which is off Movers Lane.

    Phase 8 - Three weeks
    Replace approximately 185m of the existing gas pipe. Along Movers Road from St John's Road to the end of Movers Lane.

    The work will be carried out by our local delivery partner - JDT Utilities


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