Customer and Stakeholder Engagement

    Connecting with you helps us to understand what it is our customers and stakeholders want and expect from us, what’s important, what services are required and how we can provide those services in the most effective way.

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    "Effective engagement is a fundamental part of us realising the ambition set out in our vision statement – ‘to set the standards that all of our customers love and others aspire to’. We transport gas to nearly 11 million homes and businesses and the requirements of each and every one of our customers are potentially different.

    We are engaging to improve the services that we offer today, to inform our business plan for the next five years (RIIO-2) and to play a pivotal role in supporting the UK’s transition from traditional sources of heat to more sustainable solutions into the future."

    Mark Belmega, Director of Customer Strategy


    Why do we engage?

    We are passionate about listening to and engaging with our customers and stakeholders and working closely together to develop our business now and into the future.

    Our ambition

    We will understand and act upon the needs of our customers and stakeholders through a continually improving, tailored approach that provides the best outcomes from our engagement. We work hand-in-hand with our customers and stakeholders to make sure our business plans are fit for present and future generations.

    We are listening to you, our customers and stakeholders, in a number of ways. Over the last two years, we’ve held a series of workshops and focus groups across the country, and carried out phone and face-to-face interviews... but our work doesn't stop there.

    Our engagement activities

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